

Master-station communication gateway

The Netcon Gateway (GW) Server is Netcontrol’s heavy-duty vendor-independent solution for connecting a master station to several remote sites over IP (WAN, LAN) networks.

Cybersecurity built in

  • Built-in firewall only passes through strictly defined traffic.

IP routing and traffic prioritising

  • With support for IP routing, can connect distinct networks.
  • Enables the connection of the same outstations to several different master stations.
  • Offers traffic prioritising to optimize the bandwidth usage – you will not be paying for unnecessary bandwidth.

Protocol conversions for near-universal compatibility

  • Can run the Netcon NFE communications software to convert between the telecontrol protocol(s) used by the outstations and that of the master station, e.g., between IEC-101 and IEC-104.
  • The full list of supported protocols has dozens of standard and proprietary protocols, offering almost any-to-any connectivity.

Physical or virtual server

  • The standard hardware for the Gateway Server consists of rack servers with up to twenty network interface cards (NICs).
  • However, the product need not come with dedicated server hardware: it is often best configured as a virtual server sharing a hardware platform with other SCADA-related servers.